012StyleExercise.html > The book does not give an adequate example. The description start on P232
and follows throughout to P237 where a meager segment is given for the use of the style.
Note: it is easy to go wrong. One tiny line near the top of P232 states
The <style> tag should be included within <head> tag on your page.
If this segment works with the example listed on NLL237, then I shall repeat this example with
linked style sheet, NLL237.css, which I placed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\!Exer_Lemay's\Styles
The name of this exercise file will be 013StyleExercise.html.
This text is in a paragraph.
This is in a span with the class 'smaller' inside a paragraph.
This text is in a span with the ID 'smallest'.
The third line in the above example did not not
work first. It was difficult to find the error,
because I used ordinary left bracket
instead of curly left bracket.
BTW: My output looks the same as in the book on NLL238.