This is my first experiment with style definition inside the head

I am curious how it will work. I am curious how it will work. I am curious how it will work. I am curious how it will work. I am curious how it will work. I am curious how it will work.

Now, I shall attempt to link the example css file, Styles\NLL237.css, which is located inside the extended folder name, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\!Exer_Lemay's_Examples"

For the purpose of exercise I shall repeat the full file name:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\!Exer_Lemay's_Examples\Styles\NLL237.css

This text is in div but not in a paragraph.

This text is in a paragraph.

This is in a span with the class 'smaller' inside a paragraph.

This text is in a span with the ID 'smallest'.

The third line in the above example did not not work first. It was difficult to find the error,
because I used ordinary left bracket instead of curly left bracket.

BTW: My output looks the same as in the book on NLL238.

The sad thing about this file is that I spent about 2½ hours trying to make it work; in every way one can. I succeeded! The sad thing is that I do not know where the error was.