Spacer Color Made White

Stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\!Exer_Lemay's_Examples\Pix\sp

These are revised spacer - made white in Photoshop

These have revised names - all corrected

This is a test for hsp5

This is a test for hsp10

This is a test for hsp15

This is a test for hsp20

This is a test for hsp25

This is a test for hsp30

This is a test for hsp20 and hsb15 for 35

Finally I decided that the best size for horizontals is 9 pixel wide and 8 pixel high for each horizontal character

The space is now white, because I revised the color.

This is a test for vsp1
This is a test for vsp1

Finally I decided that the best size for verticals is 10 pixel wide and 24 pixel high for each vertical line

This is a test for vsp5

This is a test for vsp10

This is a test for vsp15

This is a test for vsp20