First Form: Log in based on NLL400

The method can accept one of two possible values: post or get

The post method includes the form data in the body of the form and sends it to the web server. The get method appends the data to the URL specified in the action attribute and most often is used in searches.

Both form controls are created using the input element. Each control is also assigned a name that distinguishes it and its data from the other form controls.

One can apply widths to block-level elements, so I set the display property on the labels to block.

I used float: left and a width of 150 pixels to get the form fields to move to the right of the labels. Setting the text-align property to right for the labels moves them to the right side of the 150-pixel box I put them in. Then I just added a 10-pixel margin to create some space between the labels and the form fields and bolded the label text. To get the Submit button, which has no label, to line up with the other form fields, I added a 160-pixel right margin. That's 150 pixels for the label and 10 pixels for the margin I added to the labels.

To test your forms, I recommend using the get method and leaving out the action attribute of the form tag. When you submit the form, the values you entered will appear in the URL for the page so that you can inspect them and make sure that the results are what you expected.

Here's what the data that's sent to the server looks like: username=someone&password=somepassword

The code

<p>Please enter your username <form><input /> and password <input /></form> to log in.</p>

looks like this: