This paragraph has the default margins and padding.
This paragraph has a margin but no padding.
This paragraph has padding but no margin.
This paragraph has a margin and padding.
My own research of W3 I compiled the nuances in the program: Block level and Inline Elements
The main difference between inline and block-level elements is this: Block-level elements always describe their own space on the screen, whereas inline elements are allowed only within the context of a blocklevel element.
For some reason the p style defined does not apply here. Could it be because the external style sheet interferes with it? When I deleted the line for the external style sheet, the border around the p tag still did not work.
066A_Border_with_Div_tag.html has the external style sheet, and everything works.
I discovered why things did not work. In the style section I had <style type = "text/css"> listed twice.
The box around p tag also affects the paragraphs which were styled by the external style sheet. I shall try to alter the p which defines borders, and make it into class a.
This paragraph has the default margins and padding.
This paragraph has a margin but no padding.
This paragraph has padding but no margin.
This paragraph has a margin and padding.
The above definitions for margins and padding are not easily visible. I shall increas those values.
I had to specify p.a in the style section, because without it my previous p tags used it.
For convenience I reproduce my file: 038AInline_Block_Elem.html. The link for this is shown above.