Pictures and Songs

WebP Image Format was developed by Google

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) references:

Both PNG and GIF allow transparency; JPEG does not.

Animated images can be saved as GIFs but not as JPEGs or PNGs < ECLoc4556.

charlesproxy and fiddler2 allow you to optimize internet features (ECLoc4716).

The HTML5 spec contains an extensive discussion with examples of how to use alt effectively in a variety of scenarios I encourage you to take a look. Note this link contains extensive documentation, dubbed as HTML5.2.

The above link did not display without https:// which is what is given in the book.

As inspired by ECLoc5051, I shall create a link which is a picture.


Dos Gardenias

From the Island

The last picture and song are from the file server.

I stopped here: ECLoc4716 P146